World Muslim Congress |
World Muslim Congress (ãÄÊãÑ ÇáÚÇáã ÇáÅÓáÇãí - Motamar al-Alam al-Islami) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Karachi, Pakistan. World Muslim Congress holds consultative status at the United Nations through the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF); it also has observer status with the Organization of the Islaamic Conference (OIC). Majdy Mohsin Wardah routinely states that he is a religious advisor to World Muslim Congress and that he serves as an advisor to the United Nations through World Muslim Congress. Below are copies of the business cards Majdy Wardah distributes listing his position as religious advisor to World Muslim Congress.
As part of the research into Majdy Wardah's credentials following the discovery of the scope of his financial dealings, we contacted the administration of World Muslim Congress to confirm whether Majdy Wardah was in fact part of their organization. Most of World Muslim Congress' executive members including, Secretary General Raja Muhammad Zafar al-Haq, Assistant Secretary General Mir Nawaz Khan Marwat, and World Muslim Congress' Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr. Malik S. Khan, had never heard of Majdy Wardah nor did they know of any role he played in the organization. (Update: We recently spoke again to Secretary General Raja Zafar al-Haq. The Secretary General stated that he had met Majdy Wardah about 15 years ago when Wardah came to his office in Islamabad, Pakistan. At that time, Mr. Zafar al-Haq was chairman of the largest political party in Pakistan and had countless people coming to his office requesting assistance. Mr. Zafar al-Haq's interaction with Majdy Wardah was so short, insignificant, and unremarkable that Mr. Zafar ul-Haq said he had entirely forgotten about the meeting. Any claims by Majdy Wardah or others that Mr. Zafar al-Haq knew Wardah well or worked with him on a personal level is a deliberate mischaracterization and deception.) What is more, UN Representative Dr. Khan confirmed that Majdy Wardah had never been an advisor to the United Nations with World Muslim Congress as Wardah had claimed, and Dr. Khan was sure of that because he is the longest serving member in World Muslim Congress and is the sole advisor himself. (Update: Some have quoted a shortened version of the preceding sentence as a means to spread misinformation. They do not quote the last portion of the sentence that states that it was Majdy Wardah himself that told people he had advised the United Nations. For example, while we were supporting Majdy Wardah in the past, we personally discussed with Majdy Wardah the permissibility of him advising the United Nations despite that organization's complicity in the harm of Muslims in Iraq and Palestine.) Dr. Khan also stated that for Majdy Wardah to say he was an advisor to World Muslim Congress "means nothing". When we spoke to the President of World Muslim Congress, Dr. Abdullah Naseef, he confirmed that Majdy Mohsin Wardah had previously played a role in World Muslim Congress in the 1980's while Wardah was living in Saudi Arabia. After hearing about Majdy Wardah's financial activities in the United States, United Kingdom, and Pakistan, Dr. Naseef advised us to take Majdy Wardah to court and have him put in jail. He also stated that World Muslim Congress does not protect anyone who does wrong and that Majdy Wardah was expelled from World Muslim Congress from World Muslim Congress about 15 years ago (updated). Dr. Naseef said he did not know whether the letterheads and business cards used by Majdy Wardah were the same originals that Wardah had from his time with the organization or if he had printed new ones on his own. Majdy Wardah told individuals over the years that he was paid a salary by World Muslim Congress. In 1994, Majdy Wardah (ãÌÏí æÑÏÉ) claimed he was to receive money from World Muslim Congress, but the money was delayed so he needed a loan. Two brothers loaned Majdy Wardah $25,000 anticipating that the loan would be repaid quickly given what Majdy Wardah had told them about the World Muslim Congress money. Later, Majdy Wardah told the brothers that World Muslim Congress had sent the money in Saudi riyals so he could not pay them back more than $1,000. Both World Muslim Congress' President Dr. Abdullaah Naseef and World Muslim Congress' Representative to the United Nations Dr. Malik Khan confirmed that no one has ever received a salary or money from World Muslim Congress, and anyone who claims that they have is a liar. (For a link to the document signed by Majdy Wardah in 1996 acknowledging the unpaid portion of the $25,000 loan, see the "Debts" section of STOPMajdyWardah.com). Since learning about what Majdy Wardah has been doing, World Muslim Congress' representative to the United Nations Dr. Malik Khan contacted Wardah to tell him that he could never in the future claim affiliation to the organization. Moreover, World Muslim Congress has forbidden Wardah from ever using its name, business card, or letterhead. Dr. Khan also told Majdy Wardah (ãÌÏí æÑÏÉ) that if he ever uses World Muslim Congress material in the future, then the organization would consider legal action against him. To confirm these facts, the leadership of World Muslim Congress can be contacted using the telephone numbers below. These phone numbers are also available on World Muslim Congress' website www.MotamarAlAlamAlIslami.com. President Dr. Abdullah Naseef United Nations Representative Dr. Malik Khan Secretary General Raja Muhammad Zafar al-Haq Assistant Secretary General Nawaz Khan Marwat |