Court Documents |
The brothers on many occasions sincerely tried to get Majdy Mohsin Wardah to live up to his obligations and return people's rights by paying off his debts. When he adamantly refuses and is unwilling to work out any repayment arrangement, we are not left with many options. For example, when one brother forgave part of the debt Majdy Wardah (ãÌÏí æÑÏÉ) owed him, Wardah just said to him, "You think you are so smart forgiving the debt so I do not ask you for any more money." Majdy Wardah showed no gratitude or appreciation but instead continued to ask this brother money. What is more, others tried to set up a payment plan with Majdy Wardah where he would pay them some amount of money monthly (e.g. $100, $200, etc.) until the debt was repaid. Majdy Wardah just refused the offer immediately, without recommending a counterproposal. As a last resort and after exhausting all options, Majdy Wardah's unwillingness to be reasonable forced the brothers to take him to court. Know, by Allaah, that the brothers would have preferred that it never reached that point. It does not reflect well on Islaam, the dawah (call), or the Muslims for us to resolve our disputes in court. However, there was greater harm in allowing Majdy Wardah to continue hurting more people. It is hoped that by standing up to Majdy Wardah, and not being complacent, that he will stop what he is doing and start behaving in a manner befitting the knowledge that he has. During one of the court cases, Majdy Wardah (ãÌÏí æÑÏÉ) said to the judge, "Have you ever seen someone take his own priest to court?" We fully agree with Majdy Wardah that it is something uncommon and out of the ordinary for such a situation to arises. However, instead of reflecting negatively on those that filed the cases against Wardah, it really shows how serious and unacceptable Majdy Wardah's own actions are that people are forced to take legal action against him. In another court case, Majdy Wardah did not even show up for the trial. Instead, he felt it sufficient to just send a letter to the judge. Usually when an innocent person is accused of something he did not do, he will make full use of every opportunity to defend himself. In contrast, Majdy Wardah chose not to attend the trial. The judge in the case had no bias towards Majdy Wardah, and Majdy Wardah had every reason to expect he would receive a fair hearing. One must question the motive behind Majdy Wardah's decision not to be in court for the trial and whether his actions are consistent with those of an innocent man. In response to Majdy Wardah's failure to appear in court, the judge ruled against Majdy Wardah by default and awarded the full judgment to the brother. As of July 2009, multiple court cases have been filed against Majdy Mohsin in Brookhaven Pennsylvania District. Two cases have been completed with the judge ruling against Majdy Wardah in both of them. There is one case still pending which has not yet been adjudicated. Copies of the court documents have been posted below. The names of those that brought the cases against Majdy Wardah were removed to prevent any retaliation by Majdy Wardah. Each court document includes a summary of the details of the case. All of the files are in PDF file format, and you will need a PDF reader to open them. If you do not already have a PDF reader on your computer, you can download a free PDF reader from http://get.adobe.com/reader/. To save copies of these files to your computer, right click on any of the links below, and select "Save Target As".
This section is still under construction. More documents will be posted as court cases develop.