Bad Checks |
Two Muslim brothers from northern New Jersey loaned Majdy Wardah $25,000 in cash. As a security, Majdy Wardah (ãÌÏí æÑÏÉ) gave them 50 checks worth $500.00 each (for a total of $25,000). He instructed the two individuals to cash the checks over time so that they could receive their money. The Muslim brothers were able to successfully cash the first few checks without incident. However, when they attempted to cash the fifth check, they were informed that Majdy Wardah's bank account had insufficient funds. This left the brothers with 46 checks from Majdy Wardah worth a total of $23,000 but a bank account with no money in it. Eventually Majdy Wardah closed the bank account associated with these checks, and the brothers were never repaid. The brothers saved the checks and have agreed to have them posted on www.STOPMajdyWardah.com as a warning to others about the character of Majdy Wardah. All of the checks in the files below have sequential check numbers. All of the checks are for $500.00 and are signed by Majdy Mohsin Wardah himself. To ensure that the images of the checks were clear, the scanned files needed to be large. However, we have setup a few downloading options in case you only want to download some of the checks. Even with the files divided into multiple pieces, the files still may take a while to download (up to 1 hour for the full set). All of the files are in PDF file format, and you will need a PDF reader to open them. If you do not already have a PDF reader on your computer, you can download a free PDF reader from http://get.adobe.com/reader/. To save copies of these files to your computer, right click on any of the links below, and select "Save Target As".