Extravagant Lifestyle |
Allaah said: æóÅöäú ßóÇäó Ðõæ ÚõÓúÑóÉò ÝóäóÙöÑóÉñ Åöáóì ãóíúÓóÑóÉò "And if the debtor is in a hard time (has no money), then Majdy Mohsin Wardah will often quote this ayah (verse) when he is confronted about his failure to repay his debts. Those who were owed money by Majdy Wardah would consider being more lenient with him if he did not live such an extravagant lifestyle and appeared more sincere in his desire to repay. Allaah said:
æóßõáõæÇ æóÇÔúÑóÈõæÇ æóáÇ ÊõÓúÑöÝõæÇ Åöäøóåõ áÇ íõÍöÈøõ ÇáúãõÓúÑöÝöíäó "eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allaah) likes Allaah allows the believer to enjoy the provisions of this life but not to be wasteful. This command is even more serious to those that owe their Muslim brothers and sisters as much money as Majdy Mohsin Wardah does. Below are known purchases made by Majdy Wardah (ãÌÏí æÑÏÉ) and the associated cost. These were made in less than a one-year period and are only the expenses that we know specifically about. The honest and sincere heart should decide whether these purchases are reasonable and justifiable for someone that claims to be "in a hard time" as mentioned above in the ayah (verse) from Surah al-Baqarah.